805-500-3150  admin@danrobinson.law
Dan Robinson Law, P.C.

The Sword and Shield of Commercial Real Estate Negotiations

In the medieval tapestry of commercial real estate, every stitch bears the mark of meticulous crafting, akin to the precision required in negotiating real estate agreements. As CEOs, our ability to navigate these negotiations can mean the difference between a fortress of success and a moat of missed opportunities. The essence of mastering these agreements lies in a profound understanding of specific…

Suing health insurance when no in-network providers in your area and they refuse to pay for out-of-network

This is a huge issue. You need a specialist and you have an HMO. But the HMO doesn’t have anyone with that specialty in their network in your area. In this case insurance companies are supposed to pay for you to go to an out-of-network specialists. But as with so many other issues, a health insurance company is going to fight tooth…

School districts attempt to skirt federal requirements by imposing “off-the-books” suspensions on disabled kids

Very good AP article here: Kids with disabilities face off-the-books school suspensions | AP News The issue raised in this article is pervasive and serious. I see it in half of the cases I discuss with parents. The IDEA prohibits school districts from disciplining kids for behaviors that are caused by the child’s disability. After all, if a child’s disability (e.g. ADHD)…